Circuit à pied à Houlle (c) L'Agence

CIRCUIT PEDESTRE | Le village de Houlle

Journées européennes du patrimoine, Guided tour in Houlle
  • As part of the European Heritage Days 2024, from 20 to 22 September, on the national themes of "Heritage of routes, networks and connections" and "Maritime heritage".

    Meet at the Entente Sportive Saint-Omer Rural (E.S.S.O.R) car park, rue des Pâquerettes in Houlle.
    Approximate duration: 6 km.

    From the marl pits to the maltings, from the sugar mills to the distillery, take a guided tour of the history of the village of Houlle, with its mix of agriculture and industry.
    Guided tour by Jérémy...
    As part of the European Heritage Days 2024, from 20 to 22 September, on the national themes of "Heritage of routes, networks and connections" and "Maritime heritage".

    Meet at the Entente Sportive Saint-Omer Rural (E.S.S.O.R) car park, rue des Pâquerettes in Houlle.
    Approximate duration: 6 km.

    From the marl pits to the maltings, from the sugar mills to the distillery, take a guided tour of the history of the village of Houlle, with its mix of agriculture and industry.
    Guided tour by Jérémy Révillon, author of the book "Houlle, d'hier à aujourd'hui".

    Bookings must be made with the Pays de Saint-Omer Tourist Office on
  • Rates
  • Gratuit pour tous
    From 0 €
  • On September 21, 2024 from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM