Souterrains Hallinois

VISITE GUIDÉE | Les Souterrains Hallinois

Heritage, Visite de ville et village, Journées européennes du patrimoine, Guided tour in Hallines
From :  2 Full-fare
  • As part of the European Heritage Days 2024, from 20 to 22 September, on the national themes of "Heritage of routes, networks and connections" and "Maritime heritage".

    Guided tour: The Hallinois Underground
    Venture into a German underground passage, a relic of the Second World War. Built in 1943 by the TODT organisation (a civil and military engineering group of the Third Reich), these underground tunnels would have been used as design offices to protect engineers from bombardment.

    Meet at...
    As part of the European Heritage Days 2024, from 20 to 22 September, on the national themes of "Heritage of routes, networks and connections" and "Maritime heritage".

    Guided tour: The Hallinois Underground
    Venture into a German underground passage, a relic of the Second World War. Built in 1943 by the TODT organisation (a civil and military engineering group of the Third Reich), these underground tunnels would have been used as design offices to protect engineers from bombardment.

    Meet at "le rouge Mont" in Hallines, in the extension of the rue de l'église after the level crossing.
    Duration: 45 minutes. Admission: €2, free for under-12s.
    No reservation required. Bring warm clothing (11°C in the underground passages).
  • Rates
  • Adult price
    From 2 €
  • Free
    From 0 €
  • On September 21, 2024 from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
  • On September 22, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM