Brewing know-how
The brewing know-how firmly rooted in the history of the Pays de Saint-Omer is also that of Charles Canler and Laurent Delafosse.
Childhood friends and associates, they are going to breathe new life into the brewery at the Abbaye de Clairmarais after 230 years of inactivity.
The site is still under construction, but the future brewery is gradually taking shape: it will soon be ready to house its brewing and fermentation tanks.
There, in the former sheepfolds of the Abbaye farm, no less than four types of beer will be coming out of the tanks from spring 2020.
In the manner of the monks of the time, a brew of “triple” beer will serve as the basis for extracting so-called “single” or “double” beers, abbey beers of course.
An amateur brewer turned professional, Laurent wants to root the project in monastic tradition and “make beer to tell the story of the Abbey”.
On this exceptional site of over one hectare, everything will be done to enable visitors to immerse themselves in the past of a place whose history dates back to the 12th century.