Sunday 18 may from 08:00 to 18:00

Brocante à Racquinghem de l'association "Bien Vivre aux Bruyères"

  • Événement marchand
  • Brocante, braderie, vide grenier
Rues des Sapins, des Genêts, des Marronniers, 62120 Racquinghem
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The "Bien Vivre aux Bruyères" association is organising the neighbourhood flea market in Rue des Sapins, Genêts and Allée des Marronniers.

Opening times

On 18 May 2025
  • 08:00 at 18:00


Brocante à Racquinghem de l'association "Bien Vivre aux Bruyères"
Rues des Sapins, des Genêts, des Marronniers, 62120 Racquinghem
Please note that the nearest station is more than