Tuesday 6 may at 18:30

CONCERTS | Concerts d'élèves, Scène musicale partagée

62120 Aire-sur-la-Lys
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Under the impetus of their teachers, the students are propelled to the forefront of the stage. This is not a first for them, as they have already had the opportunity to perform in front of an audience during auditions in their speciality. A familiar audience made up of students and friends.

The "student concert" is a slightly tougher exercise: the audience is larger because the programme is more varied, since all the specialities are likely to be represented, and also because this event is...

Opening times

On 28 January 2025
  • 18:30
On 6 May 2025
  • 18:30


CONCERTS | Concerts d'élèves, Scène musicale partagée
62120 Aire-sur-la-Lys
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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