Sunday 9 march from 10:30 to 11:15

Lecture musicale "Ronces épaisses, voix lontaines" (dès 12 ans)

  • Classical music
  • Exhibitions, fairs, festivals and culture
  • À la une
  • Reading
Musée Sandelin - 14 rue Carnot, 62500 Saint-Omer
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Wind your way through a thick forest, as is often the case in fairytales. Here, the forest becomes a labyrinth, echoing the myth of Theseus, aided by Ariadne's thread. Music and distant sounds will drive the plot and the characters forward, like a soundscape where singing and reading intertwine.
With Maud Kauffmann (soprano) and Frédéric Tentelier (instruments).
FREE - All ages 12 and up - Book in advance at the Musée Sandelin

As part of its cultural programme, the Musée Sandelin...


From 0€

Opening times

On 9 March 2025
  • 10:30 at 11:15


Lecture musicale "Ronces épaisses, voix lontaines" (dès 12 ans)
Musée Sandelin - 14 rue Carnot, 62500 Saint-Omer
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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Spoken languages
  • French