Monday 24 february at 14:30

"Les faussaires : génies et escrocs" par Christian Moinet

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Cinéma OCINÉ - Rue du Lion d'Or, 62500 Saint-Omer
Please note that the nearest station is more than
From fake Renaissance marbles to fake Vermeers, the history of art is punctuated by startling revelations about the seizure and uncovering of forgery workshops and experts deluded by the veracity of the forgeries they had authenticated. What interests us is the personality of the forger, the pleasure he derives from deception as much as the illusion he has of surpassing the masters and skilfully deceiving the public and the experts.

See you at the Cinéma OCIN, info and bookings:...

Opening times

On 24 February 2025
  • 14:30


"Les faussaires : génies et escrocs" par Christian Moinet
Cinéma OCINÉ - Rue du Lion d'Or, 62500 Saint-Omer
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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