8 march > 9 march

Visite jumelée "Je ne suis pas celle que vous croyez"

  • Exhibitions, fairs, festivals and culture
  • À la une
  • Guided tour
Musée Sandelin - 14 rue Carnot, 62500 Saint-Omer
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Don't be fooled by appearances: behind the standardised representations of women in the history of art often lie more complex stories. Take the time to rediscover the story of Judith, Eve or the Maenads, during this tour freely inspired by the works of Blanche Sabbah. Continue your exploration at the art school, to discover the exhibition "Mères et filles de cendre" (Mothers and daughters of ash), by Elodie Wysocki. By reviving myths and legends, the artist brings back stories of women's...


From 0€

Opening times

On 8 March 2025
  • 14:00 at 18:00
On 9 March 2025
  • 14:00 at 17:00


Visite jumelée "Je ne suis pas celle que vous croyez"
Musée Sandelin - 14 rue Carnot, 62500 Saint-Omer
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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