Le Jardin d'Élodie

  • Producer
  • Cheese and dairy products
  • Fruit and vegetables
422 Rue Profonde, 62570 Helfaut
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Élodie and Freddy are market gardeners and organic goat farmers on a 3.5 hectare plot of land.
The farm produces many varieties of seasonal vegetables, and the goats produce organic milk that is used to make semi-ripened fresh goat's cheese.
You can find their produce at the farm in Helfaut on Fridays (2-6pm) and at the Saint-Omer market on Saturday mornings (Place Victor Hugo). They also offer baskets via the AMAP de la Morinie.
Quality standards
Agriculture BiologiqueAgriculture Biologique


All year
14:00 - 18:00


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Le Jardin d'Élodie
422 Rue Profonde, 62570 Helfaut
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Le Jardin d'Élodie
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Spoken languages
  • French