Friday 18 april from 14:30 to 16:30

ATELIER | Cadran solaire (10-14 ans)

  • Astronomy
  • Environnement
  • Visite & Découverte
  • Art et Culture
  • Formation et Initiation
La Coupole - Rue A. Clabaux, 62570 Wizernes
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Sundial workshop
The Sun is much more than just a ball of light in the sky. It punctuates our days, gives us energy and lets us tell the time... but how? Come and discover a fascinating and ancient way of telling the time using the Sun's rays: the sundial! In this workshop, you'll forget all about clocks and watches. With your creation, you'll learn to observe the Sun and understand how it can help you tell the time in a natural and fun way! Ready to defy time and become a sundial expert?...


Child rate
From 7€

Payment methods

Credit cardCredit card
Postal or bank chequesPostal or bank cheques

Opening times

On 18 April 2025
  • 14:30 at 16:30


ATELIER | Cadran solaire (10-14 ans)
La Coupole - Rue A. Clabaux, 62570 Wizernes
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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Spoken languages
  • French