Chapelle des Jésuites

  • Cathedrals, churches and abbeys
  • Chapel
  • Religious art
  • History
Rue du lycée, 62500 Saint-Omer
Please note that the nearest station is more than
With its imposing volume and distinctive colours, the Jesuit chapel dominates the urban landscape. Its grandiose architecture bears witness to the importance of the Walloon Jesuit College, founded in 1566, and more broadly to the city's central role in education from the Renaissance to the Revolution. Built between 1615 and 1640, then restored between 2013 and 2016, this architectural gem is now used as a venue for exhibitions, concerts and seminars.

Access to the site is limited to...


Temporary exhibitions
Specific theme activities
Specialist conferences


Chapelle des Jésuites
Rue du lycée, 62500 Saint-Omer
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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  • French