Le Groët de Marie
Sébastien and Angélique Boulinguez welcome you to Le Groët de Marie, their estaminet decorated in the pure tradition of Flemish estaminets. The master restaurateur cooks traditional French and regional dishes on site, using fresh, seasonal produce and local produce. Among them is Batistin, a raw-milk cheese created in 1995 by the Capelle family at the Milou farm in Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem, where it is sold direct from the farm. This cheese, recognizable by its blond rind and delicate taste, has been awarded the “Produit du Parc Naturel Régional” label. This colorful, lively dish perfectly embodies the alliance between the summer season and local produce. Dandelion leaves add a rural touch to this light dish, which is easy to make with the whole family, and simple to take along for an outdoor picnic!