Saturday 18 october from 14:00 to 17:00

RANDO DE LA CAPSO | Marche familiale de 6 km

  • Environnement
  • Sports and outdoor leisure activities
  • Visite & Découverte
  • Randonnée organisée
  • Nature trails
Mairie - 50 place de la Mairie, 62120 Roquetoire
From April to October 2025, discover the richness and diversity of CAPSO's landscapes along its footpaths.
The family walks offer a variety of activities: visit a site, meet an author or artist, discover an economic or sporting activity, etc. The local heritage will be presented.

Saturday 18 October: Discover regional products at the Caves du Brasseur and a demonstration of horizontal archery by the Roquet'Arc association.

NB: Bring suitable clothing and footwear!

"Les Randos de la CAPSO" offers 3 options: family walks (6 km), guided walks (8 km) and hikes (12 km).
From April to October 2025, discover the richness and diversity of CAPSO's landscapes along its footpaths.
The family walks offer a variety of activities: visit a site, meet an author or artist, discover an economic or sporting activity, etc. The local heritage will be presented.

Saturday 18 October: Discover regional products at the Caves du Brasseur and a demonstration of horizontal archery by the Roquet'Arc association.

NB: Bring suitable clothing and footwear!

"Les Randos de la...


Gratuit pour tous
From 0€

Opening times

On 18 October 2025
  • 14:00 at 17:00


RANDO DE LA CAPSO | Marche familiale de 6 km
Mairie - 50 place de la Mairie, 62120 Roquetoire